Introducing Two New Exhaust Gas Analyzers!
Maintaining a vehicle's performance is crucial for uninterrupted operation, and one essential aspect of that is ensuring your vehicle's CO emissions are within the acceptable range. This is where the Kane Nitrogen Oxides NOx Vehicle Emissions Gas Analyzer & Kane Carbon Monoxide CO High Range Vehicle Emissions Gas Analyzer comes into play.
These gas analyzers have many things in common: including rechargeable NiMH AA batteries, a 7.5cm/3” diagonal illuminated display, a rotary dial, and 6-line display for easy operation. Both analyzers can store up to 45 tests, have a compact and rugged design with a protective rubber sleeve, and come with a 10-year warranty when serviced and calibrated by KANE Care USA.
The key differences lie in the type of gas they are built to analyze.
(Featured: Kane Carbon Monoxide CO High Range Vehicle Emissions Gas Analyzer)
The Kane Carbon Monoxide CO High Range Vehicle Emissions Gas Analyzer is ideal for testing engine CO emissions and is especially useful for tuning pre-cat classic cars, motorcycles, off-road vehicles, and single-cylinder engines.
(Pictured: Kane Nitrogen Oxides NOx Vehicle Emissions Gas Analyzer)
The Kane Nitrogen Oxides NOx Vehicle Emissions Gas Analyzer is specifically made to measure NOx diesel engine emissions.
Both analyzers are rugged, reliable, and backed by a 10-year warranty when serviced and calibrated by KANE Care USA.
For more information check out the Ansed Resource Center or contact us.
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