New Supplier - Abtex
We're excited to announce the addition of a new supplier and product line, Abtex. The company was created in 1980 & they focus on manufacturing deburring brushes & deburring machines. We'll be offering the Bradex part of their product line. Bradex deburring brushes come in various sizes ranging from 3" to 12", have 2 grit options, and filament configurations.
(Pictured Above: Abtex Bradex 6" Tufted DOT Deburring Brush)
The tufted brushes are for aluminum deburring and other light deburring needs.
(Pictured Above: Abtex Bradex 6" V Tuft Deburring Brush)
The v tuft brushes are for heavier deburring and are often used on steel, parts requiring sharp edge removal, and parts with well-attached burrs made of aluminum, powdered metal, or fine-blanketed parts.

The End & Shell Mill deburring brushes can either mount directly to a machine center, or a shell mill holder.
If you have any questions feel free to check out the Abtex Resource center, or contact us.
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