What is a Decibel Meter?
Decibel Meters are also know as sound meters. They're useful tools that test noise levels in order to mitigate hearing damage & sound contamination, as well as testing ambient noise levels. There are multiple types of decibel meters with their own unique features. Decibel Meters are often used in the workplace to ensure compliance with environmental noise regulations and workplace noise exposure limits. They can be used to detect industrial, environmental, mining, or aircraft noise levels.
The Types of Decibel Meters:

Decibel meters can vary. There are types that are compatible with smartphone apps, and professional meters with GPS functionality that allows for measured values to be assigned to an exact geographic location, like the PCE 432 Class 1 Decibel Sound Meter with GPS (22 - 136dB). Our most popular decibel meters are the PCE 322A Class 2 Decibel Sound Meter (30 - 130dB) and the PCE 428 Class 2 Decibel Sound Meter (25 - 136dB).
About Frequency Range:
Frequency & dB and are both terms used to describe sound level and the number of cycles of a sound wave in one second. The unit of measurement is hertz (Hz). The healthy human ear is able to interpret sound with vibrations between 20 and 20,000 cycles per second. Decibel Meters are able to detect frequencies that the human ear can, and some more advanced decibel meters can detect frequencies that the human ear cannot.
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