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Simatec Resource Center

The Simatec resource center gives you access to valuable information about all Simatec products including Simalube, Simatool, and Simatherm. It includes all product flyers, user manuals, quick start guides, technical data sheets and more.

Caution: Use the information here at your own risk. Sometimes the manufacturer makes updates without informing us. If you have any questions please contact us first.


Simalube Catalog

Simatool & Simatherm Catalog


Quick Start Guides:

Simalube Impulse Quick Start Guide

Simalube Quick Start Guide to installation, removal, &

Simalube Filling Grease Quick Start Guide

Simalube Filling Oil Quick Start Guide


User Manuals:

Simalube User Manual

Simalube 15ML User Manual

Simalube Impulse User Manual

Simalube Multipoint User Manual

Simalube Oil User Manual

Simatherm IH 025 Volcano User Manual

Simatherm IH 070 and IH 090 User Manual

Simatherm IH 210 User Manual

Simatherm Hot Plate HPL and HPS User Manual

Simatool BHT 300-500 and BHT 500-700 User Manual


Technical Data Sheets:

Simalube Impulse Technical Data

Simatherm IH 025 Volcano Technical Data

Simatherm IH 070 and IH 090 Technical Data

Simatherm IH 210 Technical Data

Simatherm IH 210XL Technical Data

Simatool BP-61 Technical Data

Simatool BP-160 Technical Data

Simatool BHT 300-500 and BHT 500-700 Technical Data

Simatool FT-33 Technical Data

Simatool FT-P Technical Data

Simatool MK 10-30 Technical Data

Simatool SP-50 Technical Data

Simatool TP-150 Technical Data


Product Flyers:

Simalube 15ML Product Flyer

Simalube Impulse Product Flyer

Simatool BP-160 Product Flyer

Simatool FT-P Product Flyer


Application Flyers & Technical Info:

Simalube Impulse Application Flyer

Simalube for Cablecars Technical Info

Simalube for Chain Lubrication Technical Flyer

Simalube for Electric Motors Technical Flyer

Simalube for Elevator & Escalator Lubrication Technical Flyer

Simalube for Mines, Quarries, Concrete, & Cement plants Technical Flyer

Simalube for the Beverage Industry Technical Flyer

Simalube for the Food Industry Technical Flyer

Simalube for the Maritime Industry Technical Flyer

Simalube for the Paper Industry Technical Flyer

Simalube for the Recycling Industry Technical Flyer

Simalube for the Steel Industry Technical Flyer

Simalube for the Wood Processing Industry Technical Flyer

Simalube for the Transportation Technology Industry Technical Flyer

Simalube for Water and Sewage Treatment Plants Technical Flyer

Simalube for Wind Turbines Technical Flyer



Simatec Simalube 125ML Automatic Lubricator SL01-125 Unboxing

Manually using a grease gun VS a Simatec Simalube Automatic Lubricator

Examples of the Simatec Simalube Automatic Lubricators in use

How to Fill an empty Simatec Simalube Lubricator with Grease

How to Fill an empty Simatec Simalube Lubricator with Oil

Examples of the Simatec Simalube Impulse Pressure boosters in a factory

Demonstration of the Simatec Simatool BHT Large Bearing Handling Tool

Demonstration of the Simatec Simatool MK 10-30 Bearing Instillation & Removal Kit

Removing bearings with the Simatec Simatool MK 10-30

How to dismount a seal with the Simatec Simatool SP 50 Seal Puller

Removing radial shaft seals with the Simatec Simatool SP 50 Seal Puller

How to use the Simatec Simatherm Volcano IH 025 to heat & install a bearing

Installing a large bearing with the Simatec Simatherm IH 025 Volcano Heater

Manually installing a ball bearing with the Simatec Simatool FT 33

Manually installing different ball bearings with the Simatec Simatool FT 33

Removing ball bearings with the Simatec Simatool BP 61

Unboxing & using the Simatec Simatherm Volcano IH 025 Bearing Induction Heater


Simalube Sizes & Dimensions:

Simalube Sizes & Dimensions

 Simalube Technical Data:


Simalube FAQ's:

Q: How long can a Simalube lubricator dispense grease / oil for?

A: 1-12 months. This depends on the setting you choose.


Q: How do i set the dispensing speed on the Simalube Lubricator?

A: On the top of the lubricator there is a dial with numbers ranging from 0 - 12. The number on the dial corresponds to the number of months you want to dispense for. 1 Is the fastest setting and will dispense all the lubricant in 1 month. 12 is the slowest setting and will dispense all the lubricant over the course of 12 months.


Q: What's the diameter of the opening on a Simalube Lubricator?

A: 1/2". We have other fittings & adapters so the lubricator will work with most applications.


Q: How does the Simalube lubricator dispense grease / oil?

A: Using a gas producing dry cell to create pressure.


Q: Can the Simalube lubricators be used under water?

A: Yes. They are IP68 Dustproof & waterproof.


Q: What temperature range can the Simalube lubricators work within?

A: -4 °F to 101 °F (–20 °C to +55 °C)


Q: Can the Simalube Lubricators be refilled?

A: Yes. See our blog post on how to refill a simalube lubricator. Also, can also watch our videos on how to fill the lubricator with grease or oil.